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My blog has moved to Substack.com
![]() A blog is a blog is a blog..... We all know that it stands for a piece of writing, detailing facts and fiction on your computer screen. In 1999, programmer Peter Merholz created the term blog by breaking the phrase weblog into we blog in the sidebar of his personal blog. Later that year, the blogging service Blogger was released, which was the first online blog tool to officially use the term blog instead of weblog. Fast forward to 2017 and Substack was born. Just about when I started blogging regularly on my website, this digital publishing platform was created; a platform not subject to the restrictions and limitations of social media outlets or political leanings of traditional media publishing platforms. Journalists and writers can decide on content without being hampered in by their news outlet. Despite its success (more than 17,000 writers are on Substack) I only became aware earlier this year of its existence via a poet/writer I follow. I'm slow coming to the party! I want to support and participate in an add-free, media-restrain-free platform. The Weebly platform has given me that freedom, but it doesn't reach a large audience unless I connect my blogs with Facebook or similar platform. I want to simplify my writing life. Posting and communicating with readers is cumbersome via the website. I'm switching from blogging on this website to writing on Substack. I will move your blog subscription to Substack. Don't worry, your email address will not be sold or used elsewhere. You won't have to do anything to keep reading what I write. You will be informed of new posts, and notes via email. You can unsubscribe if you don't want to follow me there. My format will change. I will write shorter pieces related to my walking life. My walking life infuses my thinking. The pace of 2 miles an hour stimulates observation and reflection, and as you know, sometimes I can get quite philosophical. I want to thank you for reading my blogs. Some of you have been with me since the beginning. It means a lot to know I write with a purpose; to know my writing stirs your mind and encourages you to think outside of the box you're in. I hope you will follow me to Substack. https://damiroelse.substack.com/ See you there with your comments and likes!
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